The Dally Group

Legacy Blog

Understanding the Retirement Income Gap

Bridging the Financial Divide Planning for retirement involves careful consideration of various factors, including income needs. One key concept to grasp is the “retirement income gap”, ...

New Career?

18-45 years old OR 15+ Years Before You Retire Let’s structure your plan… w/ compound interest in mind!   The Sooner, the Better: The Best Time to Start Saving for Retirement Retirement is ...

Retirement on the Horizon?

46-60 years old OR 5-15 Years Before You Retire Don’t let the market (or your money manager) determine when you can retire! Be in Control of Your Retirement Retirement is a stage in life that ...

You’ve Made it… Now Enjoy it!

60+ years old OR Already Retired | You’ve Saved for Long Enough… Now Let’s Make it Last Forever! The Importance of Protecting Your Life Savings: Securing Your Financial Future Your ...

The “Infinite Bank”… Simplified

The infinite banking concept is a financial strategy that involves using a permanent life insurance policy as a savings vehicle. The basic idea is that you can borrow money from the cash value of your ...

The Power of Indexed Universal Life

Indexed universal life (IUL) insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that offers both death benefit protection and the potential for cash accumulation. Unlike traditional universal life ...

Good Reasons to Secure Final Expense Coverage Before you Retire

As you approach retirement age, it’s essential to plan for the future, and part of that planning should include purchasing final expense insurance. Final expense insurance is a type of life ...